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Book Club/Pachinko

[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 3

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 8. 9.

[Review previous expression]



[Summarize this chapter]

시대가 어려워서, 다들 석탄값을 제때 지불하지 않는데, Yangjin만 제대로 내는 사람임. 

Isak은 개신교 목사였음. 그런데 갑자기 결핵 증상이 나타남. 


[Quotes that I liked ]


[New Expression]

(p. 17) The news of your great cooking has reached the rich.

(p. 17) I hope you charged him triple what we poor fellows pay.”

(p. 17) noose.

(p. 17) whiskers.

(p. 17) Isak did not stir.

(p. 17) sternly.

(p. 17) he had watched over his two brothers by himself.

(p. 17) Fatso let go of the tie and looked sheepish.

(p. 17) his slumber punctuated now and then by a muffled cough.

(p. 18) They were to have a hot meal ready for him.

(p. 18) Sunja was crouched in the corner

(p. 18) The sea wind seeped through the porous walls

(p. 18) She was mending a pair of trousers,

(p. 18) perfunctorily,

(p. 18) bedridden.

(p. 18) Jun said with pride.

(p. 19) He chuckled with pleasure.

(p. 19) in such lean years.

(p. 19) the best seaweed hawker

(p. 19) made a tidy sum of her own.

(p. 19) dirty dog Lee-seki won’t cough up what he owes—”

(p. 19) the belly has a better memory than the heart!”

(p. 19) after a month of dodging—”

(p. 20) set it before him.

(p. 20) The coal man plopped down on the floor

(p. 20) Yangjin frowned at him for cursing.

(p. 20) “Those goddamn aristocrat sons of bitches sold us out. Not a single yangban bastard has a full set of balls.”

(p. 20) man’s tirade,

(p. 21) an honest workingman,

(p. 21) He pounced on

(p. 21) “Never lose what’s valuable.”

(p. 21) shoes in haste

(p. 21) The house felt emptier without the blustering man’s lofty speeches.

(p. 21) The lodgers never ceased trying to woo Sunja,

(p. 22) Sunja had lost all of her prospects.

(p. 22) girl shrieked

(p. 22) perspiring and flushed,

(p. 22) she gasped loudly, only to be hushed by her sister.

(p. 22) his ashen pallor

(p. 23) Yangjin pulled on the corner of the pallet in an attempt to jostle him awake.

(p. 23) ago. I’ve been well since.”

(p. 23) Yoseb knew how much Isak didn’t want to be seen as an invalid, the way he had been treated for most of his life.

(p. 24) “I didn’t mean to bring you harm.”

(p. 24) If he was supposed to die, he hoped to die swiftly to spare the innocent.


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