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Book Club/Crying in HMart

[Crying in H Mart] # Chapter 18

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 7. 19.





[Review previous expression]

I like the sound of my aunts in careful deliberation

- We selected each board with careful deliberation.

[Summarize this chapter]

1. Dream

: The author often dreamed that she went somewhere to meet her mother alive and once she returned to her dad for notification she had gone. Even after she started working, she was plagued by flashbacks. So she tried therapy but it wasn't worth its cost. 


2. Kimchi

Therefore, she decided to cook with Youtuber Mangchi who taught her various Korean foods in her time of need. In the end, she became a master of Kimchi. Her bunch of Kimchi Onggi means a sense of fulfillment to her.



"The author often dreamed of meeting her living mother somewhere, but once she returned from visiting her father, her mother disappeared. Even after starting her career, she was plagued by flashbacks. She tried therapy, but it wasn't worth the cost."


"Therefore, she decided to cook with YouTube chef Maangchi, who taught her various Korean dishes during her time of need. Ultimately, she became a master of kimchi. Her growing collection of Kimchi Onggi pots gave her a sense of fulfillment."


[Quotes that I liked ]


[New Expression]


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