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Book Club/Crying in HMart

[Crying in H Mart] # Chapter 20: Coffee Hanjan

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 7. 19.





[Review previous expression]

- A fly was flying around my grandfather's photo, and I automatically thought my grandfather was haunting as a fly.

- I am game for anything challenges in my life.

  • A fly was flying around my grandfather's photo, and I automatically thought the fly was haunted as my grandfather.
    • A fly was flying around my grandfather's photo, and I automatically thought the fly was my grandfather's spirit.
  • I am game for any challenges in my life.


The family bond has grown stronger, revolving around his death.

[Summarize this chapter]

About a year after Peter and her moved to Brooklyn, her record started to receive a surprising amount of attention. She was honored as the magazine's essay of the year and was offered a US tour, even an Asia Tour, including Seoul toul as well. When her mom was alive, she had been worried about her daughter's life as a poor artist. However, her daughter became a star and made a fortune with her creativity which was never approved by her mom. On her final tour in Seoul, Nami and Emoboo came and witnessed her success. Definitely, her mother would be proud of her. Also, she found Nami and Mom's favorite song in their youth, that is Coffe Hanjan sung by 신중현 from the Pearl sisters. 'Nami' will be the bridge between the author and her mother. 


[chatgpt] About a year after Peter and she moved to Brooklyn, her record began receiving a surprising amount of attention. She was honored with the magazine's 'Essay of the Year' award and was offered tours in the US and Asia, including Seoul. When her mother was alive, she worried about her daughter's life as a struggling artist. However, her daughter became a star and made a fortune with her creativity, which had never been approved by her mother.

During her final tour in Seoul, Nami and Emoboo witnessed her success. Certainly, her mother would have been proud. She also discovered Nami and her mother’s favorite song from their youth—'Coffee Hanjan' performed by 신중현 of the Pearl Sisters. 'Nami' will serve as a bridge between the author and her mother.

[Quotes that I liked ]


[New Expression]

I'm game for anything. 뭐든지 할 용의가 있어!

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