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English Study/이 단어 나만 몰랐어?

[이 단어 나만 몰랐어?] I think는 너무 강한 표현이었다! "내 생각엔~", "~한 것 같아" 뉘앙스 차이 종합 정리!

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 8. 16.


궁금하게 된 배경

맨날 말할 때 I think~ 만 쓰는 나 자신을 발견함. 그 이유가 한국어로 말할 때도 습관인 것 같은게, (지금도 그러네)

명확하게 ~입니다! 이러지 않고, ~인 것 같습니다... 라고 얘기해서 인 것 같음 (또또 ㅎ_ㅎ). 

요번 기회에 다양한 표현과 뉘앙스를 해부해서 고급지게 얘기해보자~! 


본격 해부

(분류를 하는게 넘 어렵네... 제대로 설명해주고 있는 블로그가 없자나..? But 우리에겐 chatgpt가 있쟈나~~ 역시 짱이쟈나~~~)



<의견 전달 표현들>

1. 약한 주장 (아닐 수도 있엉~)

  • I guess: "I guess we could try a different approach."
  • I suppose: "I suppose you're right about that."
  • I assume: "I assume he's busy since he hasn't replied."
  • I figure: "I figure we can finish this by tomorrow."
  • To my knowledge: "To my knowledge, this is the first time it has happened."

2. 경험이나 지식에 근거한 표현 (근데 좀 약한 주장)

  • In my knowledge: "In my knowledge, the company has always followed this policy."
  • In my experience: "In my experience, this kind of situation can be tricky."
  • From what I've seen: "From what I've seen, the new system is more reliable."
  • From what I understand: "From what I understand, they plan to launch the product next month."
  • To the best of my knowledge: "To the best of my knowledge, all reports have been submitted."
  • It is my understanding that: "It is my understanding that the decision has already been made."

3. 정보의 정확성을 완곡하게 표현하는 경우 (강한 주장이지만 완곡하게)

  • As far as I can remember: "As far as I can remember, we didn't encounter any issues last time."
  • As far as I can see: "As far as I can see, everything is on track."
  • As far as I can tell: "As far as I can tell, the data looks accurate."
  • In my opinion: "In my opinion, we should allocate more resources to this task."
  • It seems to me that: "It seems to me that we're making good progress."

4. 강한 주장

  • I believe: "I believe this method will work best."
  • I think: "I think we should go with option B."
  • I consider it to: "I consider it to be the most efficient solution."
  • From my point of view: "From my point of view, the project is progressing well."
  • As far as I'm concerned: "As far as I'm concerned, this is the only way forward."
  • Personally: "Personally, I think it's a great idea."
  • In my view: "In my view, this approach is more sustainable."
  • I am of the opinion that: "I am of the opinion that we should reconsider our strategy."

5. 의견 제시 또는 충고 (나라면~)

  • If you ask: "If you ask me, I would suggest waiting a bit longer."
  • If you need my advice: "If you need my advice, I'd say focus on the essentials first."
  • If I were to: "If I were to decide, I would choose the first option."
  • I would say: "I would say it's worth considering."
  • It seems to me that: "It seems to me that there's more to this issue."


<생각 관련 명사>

1. Idea

  • Meaning: 어떤 문제나 상황에 대한 생각 또는 계획
  • Example: "She came up with a great idea for the project."

2. Notion

  • Meaning: 일반적으로 갖고 있는 생각이나 믿음, 개념
  • Example: "He has a vague notion of what needs to be done."

3. Concept

  • Meaning: 어떤 것에 대한 일반적이고 추상적인 아이디어 또는 생각
  • Example: "The concept of freedom is central to the constitution."

4. Thought

  • Meaning: 특정한 생각 또는 마음에 떠오르는 관념
  • Example: "I had a sudden thought that I might have left the stove on."

5. Perception

  • Meaning: 어떤 것에 대해 인식하거나 이해하는 방식
  • Example: "Her perception of the situation was different from mine."

6. Insight

  • Meaning: 깊이 있는 이해나 통찰력
  • Example: "His insight into human behavior is remarkable."

7. Belief

  • Meaning: 어떤 것을 진실로 믿는 생각 또는 신념
  • Example: "Her belief in hard work has always driven her to succeed."

8. Opinion

  • Meaning: 특정 주제에 대해 개인이 가지고 있는 생각이나 판단
  • Example: "In my opinion, the film was well-made."

9. Perspective

  • Meaning: 어떤 것을 보는 관점이나 시각
  • Example: "Try to see the issue from a different perspective."

10. Judgment

  • Meaning: 특정 상황에 대한 생각이나 평가
  • Example: "Her judgment was influenced by her emotions."

11. View

  • Meaning: 특정 주제에 대한 개인의 생각이나 견해
  • Example: "He expressed his view on the new policy."

12. Impression

  • Meaning: 어떤 것에 대해 마음에 남는 느낌이나 생각
  • Example: "My first impression of the city was very positive."

13. Conception

  • Meaning: 어떤 것에 대한 이해나 생각의 형성
  • Example: "His conception of justice is influenced by his cultural background."

14. Mindset

  • Meaning: 특정 방식으로 생각하고 느끼는 경향성이나 태도
  • Example: "A growth mindset can help you overcome challenges."

15. Theory

  • Meaning: 특정 현상에 대한 체계적이고 논리적인 설명이나 생각
  • Example: "Einstein's theory of relativity changed the way we understand the universe."





아주 표현들이 다양한데, 이걸 체득하려면... 어휴...연습밖에 없겠구먼~ 

But, I believe I will do it! 







지식이 +1 하려고 했다가 +10 됐습니다~





출처: https://hellowwworld.tistory.com/41 [혜진의 개발자 성장블로그:티스토리]


[영어로] 내가 알기로는 / 듣기로는 / 보기에는 / 느끼기에는 / 생각하기에는

#1 내가 알기로는as far as I know, As far as I know, he hasn't got a job yet. #2 내가 듣기로는from what I hear (요즘 듣게 된 내용 공유)from what I've heard (내가 다른 곳에서 듣고 머리속에서 정리된 내용을 말할 때)





생각 영어로 하면 think만 떠오르나요? 다양한 영어로 생각 표현 모음 AmazingTalker®

내 생각을 영어로 표현할 때 think만 쓸 수 있는게 아닙니다! suppose, assume, consider 등 다양한 영어표현들 있답니다! 그리고 생각 영어로 하면 idea, thought, concept 등 단어도 있습니다.
