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[이 단어 나만 몰랐어?] certain 뜻 제대로 알기! "확신"만 있는 게 아님!

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 10. 16.



궁금하게 된 배경

a certainty라는 단어가 나오면서 certain을 찾아봄. 

근데 학창시절 이 certain하나로 엄청 오랜시간을 할애해서 뭘 배웠던 게 기억이 남. 그래서 다시 한 번 정리! 

본격 해부


1. WITHOUT DOUBT; 확신하다 (믿음)!  

이때는 that 과 주로 쓰임! => 주체가 사람이네. 내가 확신하는 것! 

:having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true, or known to be true, correct, exact, or effective:

  • feel certain:  I feel certain (that) you're doing the right thing. => I feel certain to do right thing (X)
  • make certain: You should make certain (that) everyone understands the instructions.
  • seem certain: The police seem certain (that) they will find the people responsible for the attack.
  • certain about: He was quite certain about his attacker's identity.
  • certain of: I've never been more certain of anything in my whole life.

2. EXTREMELY LIKELY; 확실하다! (가능성)

이때는 to V 와 주로 쓰임! => 


: impossible to avoid or extremely likely:

  • certain to:  The population explosion is certain to cause widespread famine.
    • Oil prices are certain to rise following the agreement to limit production.
    • After all his hard work, he's certain to pass his exams.:
      • 그가 시험에 통과할 것이 확실하다! (이 문장이 나로서는!!! 그는 시험에 합격할 거라고 확신한다! 라고 해석이 됐는데 사실 틀린거였음!!!!!! ) 
      • "확신한다"는 personal feeling과 관련이 있기 때문에, 이 경우엔 He feels certain that he will pass his exams. 라고 해야 맞음.
  • almost certain:  The team looks almost certain to win the match.
  • it is certain: It is almost certain (that) there will be another vote.
  • make certain: Even if a ceasefire can be agreed, how can they make certain (that) neither side breaks it?

3. limited: 어느 정도

  • to a certain extent:  I like modern art to a certain extent, but I don't like the really experimental stuff.
  • to a certain degree:  Technology can improve the situation to a certain degree.
  • (참고) to what extend: 얼마나? 어느 정도 까지?
    • To what extent do you think this program will affect young people?
    • We know that schools will be targeted in the upcoming budget cuts, but we do not yet know to what extent.


4. determiner (한정사; 명사 앞에서 그 명사가 뭘 의미하는지 명확하게 해주는 단어)

: particular but not named or described:

  • We have certain reasons for our decision, which have to remain confidential.
  • Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances?
  • Certain members of the audience may disagree with what I'm about to say.
  • 그럼 책에서 읽은  a certainty도 이쪽에 해당되겠는 걸!


Self 테스트

위의 네 가지 의미 중 어떤 카테고리에 해당할지 예문에 대한 번역을 해보자! 


Q1: It is certain that she will win the race.
Q2: He was certain he had locked the door before leaving.

Q3: It's certain to rain later this afternoon.
Q4: The team is certain to make it to the finals this year.

Q5: There are certain rules you must follow in this class.
Q6: We only invite certain people to this event.

Q7: A certain someone left you a message.
Q8: I spoke to a certain doctor who specializes in this condition.






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