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Book Club/Crying in HMart

[Crying in H Mart] # Ch 2: Save Your Tears

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 2. 17.

[Review previous expression]

When I was a kid, I used to pick on my cousin often. Now she is freedom from me.

[Summarize this chapter]

This chapter explained how she is remembering her mother's affection. I could understand why she kept being obssessed with H Mart. She had so much memorable experience with her family about foods. While her mother was so stubborn that she hardly gave her child affection, she was so generous in term of eating and food.Although she could not understanding Mom's aggressive characteristics when she was a kid, now she realized it was the her way to express her love to her child.


In this chapter, I could understand why she kept being obsessed with H Mart. She had so many memorable experiences with her family related to food. While her mother was stubborn and rarely showed affection to her child, she was generous when it came to eating and food.

[Expression I want to use oneday! ]

She remembered which banchan side dish you emptied first so the next time you were over it'd be set with a heaping double portion, served alongside the various other preferences that made you, you.
: 나를 나답게 만들어주는 어머니의 관심, 사랑
p. 14

I loved our new home but I also came to resent it.
: came to 랑 resent를 쓴 게 신기혀서.
p. 16


came to는 처음엔 안그랬는데, 나중에는 결국! 이런느낌으로 쓰면되겠다. 한국말로 자연스러운 표현을 찾아보자면, 나 우리집 좋았는데, 나중엔 싫더라. 나우리집 좋았는데 싫어지더라. 

"I came to resent it": This phrase indicates that the resentment developed over time. It suggests a progression or a gradual buildup of negative feelings. The person didn't initially feel resentment but, over a period, came to feel that way.Example: "At first, I didn't mind the extra workload, but over time, I came to resent it."

She drank two glasses of chardonnay almost every day but would get sick if she had a third.
: 매일 두잔씩 마셨는데, 세 잔 부터는 아팠다. 그니까 주량 딱 2잔까지 => 써먹으세용~ 주량을 모른다고요~? 그렇담.. I would never get sick if I had endless glassess of wine..?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
p. 13


I was stranded and lonely, an only child with no one to talk to or turn to but my mother.
: 나는 isolated..? 혼자였고, 외로웠고, 엄마 말고는 아무랑도 말할, 상담할 사람도 없었다.
p. 16


Hers was tougher than tough love. It was brutal, industrial strength. A sinewy love that never gave way to an inch of weakness. It was a love that saw what was best for you ten steps ahead, and didn't care if it hurt like hell in the meantime. :
그녀는 강한 사랑보다 더 강했다. 그것은 잔인하고 산업적인 강인함이었다. 한 치의 약점도 허용하지 않는 강인한 사랑이었죠. 열 발자국 앞서서 무엇이 최선인지 파악하고, 그 과정에서 지옥처럼 아파도 아랑곳하지 않는 사랑이었죠.
p. 18
ten steps ahead에서 생각한다는 표현이 좋아서 가져와봤다. 너무 한국적이지 않은가. 뭔가 아이들 납득하지 못하지만, 다 너 잘되라고 하는거야~ 이런 맥락의 글이다. 어휴 답답. 애들에게 충분히 설명을 해줬으면..... 그냥 따라! 이게 아니라. 나중에 사랑인거 알면 뭐하냐규 ㅠㅠㅠ 

I would dust the shelves beneath and clean the glass with Windex, then try my best to reorganize them from memory, hoping my mother would return and reward me with affection.
: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ흐아아아아앙 reward me with affection..... 흐앙 이쁨 받으려고 청소하는 아기 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 너무 슬프자나...
p. 20

Judging by her positive reaction to the weekly episode of the duster and the baseboards, I concluded that if my mother returned to an even cleaner home, she would promise never again to leave me behind. It was my sad attempt to try to win her over.
: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 엄마 반응 보고 집 더 깨끗하면 나 안냅두고 가겠구나... 나 안버리고 가겠구나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이런 생각했다잖아 장난 하냐규 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ win her over : to persuade someone to support you. 엄마를 설득하려는 나의 슬픈 설득 흑흑흑흑
p. 21

by the age of ten
열살 까지는

I was not given any kind of instructional material from the past that might help give me a leg up to cultural maturity.
- leg up to: to have an advantage over others
내가 남보다 문화적으로 성숙할 수 있는 기회를 줄수도 있었는 그런 교육적인거를 난 받아본적 없다.


[New Expression]

The year they got married, the year she left her home country, her mother and two sisters and embarked on a pivotal chapter of her adult life.
: 아 진쫘~~ 거의 문법 공부같네 ^^ 어디가 동사인지도 잘 모르겠음. 없는건가. 무튼.... 해석하자면!!! " 그들이 결혼하던 해, 그녀가 고국, 어머니, 두 자매를 떠나온 해, 그리고 성인으로서 인생의 중요한 장을 시작하게 된 해. 이런식일까?
p. 12
She was vigilant and protective
: 어떤 드라마 였더라,,,, 드라마 몇화의 제목이 한국의 비질란테인가 그랬는데!! vigilant 경계하는,, 비질란테는 자경단 이런거라네!
p. 16
Making a home had been her livelihood since i was born, and while she was vigilant and protective, she wasn't what you would call coddling.
: 도저히 모르겠어서!!! DeepL 간다! / 제가 태어났을 때부터 가정을 꾸리는 것이 생업이었던 어머니는 경계심과 보호본능이 강하셨지만, 애지중지하는 스타일은 아니었습니다.
p. 16

She was not what I'd refer to as a "Mommy-Mom," which was what I envied most of my friends for having. A Mommy-Mom is someone who takes an interest in everything her child has to say even when there is no actual way she gives a shit, who whisks you away to the doctor when you complain of the slightest ailment, who tells you "they're just jealous" if someone makes fun of you, or "you always look beautiful to me" even if you don't, or "I love this!" when you given them a piece of crap for Christmas.
: 그녀는 제가 다른 친구들이 부러워하는 '엄마-엄마'가 아니었습니다. '마미맘'은 굳이 신경쓰지 않아도 될 일에도 자녀가 하는 모든 말에 관심을 기울이고, 아이가 조금만 아파도 병원에 데려다주고, 누가 놀려도 "그냥 질투하는 거야"라고 말하거나, 그렇지 않아도 "넌 항상 예뻐 보여"라고 말하며, 크리스마스 선물로 쓰레기를 주면 "이거 맘에 들어!"라고 말해주는 사람입니다.
p. 16

Every time I got hurt, my mom would start screaming. Not for me, but at me.
: loud나 yell이나 at이 들어가면 약간 혼내는 느낌쓰
p. 17

Once, when I was climbing a tree in the front yard, the notch I used to hoist myself up gave out from under my foot.
: 한 번은 앞마당에 있는 나무에 올라갈 때 몸을 들어 올리기 위해 사용하던 홈이 발 밑에서 빠져나간 적이 있습니다.
p. 17


이건 notch가 반가워서 가져온 문장. 내가 modern family 보는데, 시즌 1, 1화에서 나온 표현 중
Take it down a notch! 가 있었음. notch가 저울 눈금, 단계 요런 느낌인데, 그거 좀 내려놔~~ 이래서 진정해!! 이런 표현!

I was not scooped into my mother's arms and taken to a medical professional.
: 헐~ 엄마 품에 안기는게 scoop이야? 아이스크림 한스쿱 두스쿱 처럼? 개귀엽다...........
p. 17


She descended upon me like a murder of crows.
: 맥락상 혼낸다는 뜻이겠지? 그것도 내가 뭐 살인자인 것처럼? 인줄알았는데 헐~~~~~~~~아니네~~ 비슷한거긴 하지만!!!!
descend upon은 떼지어서 someone을 suddenly visit하는거래 그니까 갑자기 몰려오는거
그리고 murder은 crows 무리를 murder라고 한다네? 와우!


My aunts exclaimed. That's our pretty girl! My family lauded my bravery, I radiated with pride, and something about that moment set me on a path.
이모가 소리쳤고, 칭찬했고, 그럼 나는 자신감으로 가득 찼고(라디에이트, 데펴지는건가? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)


set me on a path: someone is guiding you in the right direction of an action, journey, or goal.

For example: "My teacher's advice set me on the path to success.".

laud something: 칭찬하다. 표현 왜케많아..