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Book Club/Crying in HMart

[Crying in H Mart] # Ch 3-1: Double Lid (~p. 28)

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 2. 17.

[Review previous expression]

Until a few years ago, we used to phone in orders for 치킨 & 짜장면, but since 배달의 민족 has released, we can order anything only with one click.

[Summarize this chapter]

This chapter is describing the memories she had experienced with her korean family. The experience that no one could explore unless they belong to that culture. You can see she had a strong bond with her korean family. Enven though the language is different, her background made her feel korean.


Whenever the author visited Korea, she spent memorable time with mother's family. And this experiences would help her to learn korean cultures. Also, I could understand why the author's mother was obssessed to her daughter's appearance. She was just a normal korean who had high standards of beauty. 

"Whenever the author visited Korea, she spent memorable times with her mother's family. These experiences helped her learn about Korean culture. Additionally, I could understand why the author's mother was obsessed with her daughter's appearance. She was a typical Korean who held high standards of beauty."

[Expression I want to use oneday! ]

(p. 26) Emo Boo’s presence was a newfound weapon in her long-standing campaign to realize my ideal form.

: 여기서 campaign은 엄마가 앞장에서 나의 외모를 완벽히 하려고 엄청 노력하잖음? 그런 캠페인에 사용될 새로운 무기가 한의사 이모부 였던 것임. 그래서 막 똑똑해지라고 침도 놔주고, 한약도 멕여주고! 


(p. 26) most bitter thing I’d ever consumed. Every day I’d dutifully hold my nose and try to get as much of the hot syrupy liquid down as I could before gagging.

: 한약 먹는 거 묘사 잼따 


(p. 27) I hated sleeping alone and relished the opportunity to sleep so close to her without the need for an excuse.

(p. 27) “This is how I know you’re a true Korean.”


[New Expression]

Page 24

(p. 24) their chattering cicada wings coalescing with the traffic noise at night.

: 매미들 날개가 떠드는 소리가 합쳐졌다 교통 소음이랑 밤에

  • a cicada: 매미
  • coalescing with: to unite into a whole, fuse 

(p. 24) I was stranded in the woods/ I could walk to unaccompanied.

: Eugene에서는 그냥 다 광활한 숲이어서 나무 숲에서 혼자 돌아다녔는데, 서울은 뭐가 빽빽하게 많아서 누구를 같이 동행해서 다니지 않아도 된다.


(p. 24) captivating

: 매혹적인


(p. 24) I loved fondling ingredients and envisioning their endless possibilities and combinations.

: (수퍼마켓에 갔을 때 상황) 나는 좋아했다 재료 만지작 거리는 거랑 상상하는 건데, 그들의 무한한 가능성 & 조합들

  • fondle: 이게 애지중지하다, 이런건데 그럼 해석이 좀 이상해서 보니까 pet이란 뜻도 있음. 뭔가 성적으로는 애무하다도 있긴한데, 무튼 만지막 거리다로 해석하는 게 더 자연스러울듯? 

Page 25

(p. 25) room just big enough to accommodate a tiny square television

: 방이 이런저런 가전을 accomodate하기에 딱 좋은 크기였다.

  • acoomodate: fit in with, adopt to

(p. 25) a mattress that lay beneath a rack of clothing across from the Mariah Carey poster he had taped to his door.

: 매트리스인데, 아래에 놓여있음, 옷걸어놓는 rack, 그리고 맞은편에는 머라이어 캐리 포스터가 붙어있는데, 그가 문에 붙여놓은 거임

  • lie beneath: 어디 아래에 놓여있다로 해석하면 되는데 구글에 치니까 unworthy of 이런 걸로도 많이 쓰나봄 
    • Taking on such menial tasks lies beneath his dignity, as he views them unworthy of his status and abilities.: 하찮은 일이 떨어트린다. 그의 품위를 
  • Taped to: 그냥 그대로 tape 쓰는 게 싱기

(p. 25) he was largely raised by our grandmother in a house full of women.

: largely가 mostly 처럼 쓰이는 거구나?


(p. 25) He was seven years older than me, tall and sturdily built, but moved about with a dejected posture, shy and effeminate in spite of his size.

: 그는 나보다 7살 많았고, 키크고, 다부진 체격, 근데 움직일 때는 a dejected posture로, 부끄럽고, effeminate 하게, 그의 사이즈에 비해

  • a dejected posture: 직역하자면 낙담한 자세라고 함. 근데 낙담한 자세가 도대체 뭐여? 하고 보면 우리 슬플때 흑흑 할때 구부정한 자세를 떠올릴 수 있음 
    • 아래 그림보면 collapsed라는 표현도 쓰구만!!
    • 근데 이게! 뒤에 할머니의 자세 설명할 때랑 동의어가 있음!!!! 
    • (p. 28) She was as hunched over as an umbrella handle: 우산 손잡이처럼 구부정함 



(p. 25) As a teenager he was extremely self-conscious, consumed by the pressures of school and his impending conscription, the two years of military service every Korean man is required to complete.

: 십대로서 그는 매주 self-conscious하고, 소모를 했다 많은 압박감, 학교랑 다가오는 징집 (군대)

  • self-conscious: 자의식이 강하다고 해석하는 건 내가 느끼기엔 되게 자기 사랑하고 이런 뜻 아님? 잘모르겠네 무튼 정확한 의미는 남들이 나를 어떻게 생각할까 이런거 많이 신경쓰는 사람을 보통 저렇게 쓰던디
  • be consumed by: 감정적인거에 consume을 쓰는게 신기했음. 사로잡혔다고 해석이 되는데, 더 직관적으로 이해가 잘될라면 한국말로 의역하면 감정 소모! 이렇게 생각하니까 좀 쉬운거 같음. 
    • I was comsumed by jealousy (질투로 내감정 다 소모했다. 질투에 사라잡혔다)  
    • his heart was consumed with anger.
  • 왜냐하면 우리는 사로잡히다에 너무 다양한 뜻이 있잖음? (네이버 사전) 
    • 1.(생포되다) be caught[taken, captured] alive; (포로로) be taken[held] prisoner, be taken[held] captive
    • 2.(마음을 빼앗기다) be fascinated[charmed, captivated, enthralled] (by)
    • 3.(생각·느낌 등에 지배되다) be seized[stricken, consumed, eaten up] (with)

(p. 25) I adored Seong Young

: fondle, like, love, 


(p. 25) I clung to his legs and back,

  • cling-clung-clung 
  • 코알라가 나무에 크알링?ㅋㅋㅋ억지로 끼워맞춰보려했더니 안되는군 

(p. 25) while sweat poured from his face and soaked through his shirt, gracious when I begged him to chase me up the twenty-three flights of stairs to Halmoni’s apartment.

: 땀으로 범벅이 됐는데, 기꺼이 (gracious) 23층 계단 올라가자고 했을 때 오케이 해준 착상 성용씨.. 승용씨..

  • sweat: 스윗이라고 읽으니까 뭔솔 했는데 땀은 스웻~ 
  • 전치사랑 같이 파악해야 어떻게 해석되는지 더 잘 파악되는 듯!
    • poured from
    • soak through 
  • flight: 나는 건 줄 알았더니... 계단 한칸한칸 세는 단위라니 ㅇ_ㅇ.... 

(p. 25) 나미 이모 방, abutting the small balcony that overlooked the street.

: 나미이모방은 작은 발코니랑 인접해 있음, 거기서는 거리가 내다보임

  • abutting: 홀랭 부동산에서 쓰이는 용어구마잉. 오 부동산 살때 abutting이 누구껀지 이런거 아는 게 중요하데 오오오 개신기
    • When it comes to real estate, the real estate term “abutting” refers to properties that share a common boundary without any intervening land. 
    • 오 abutting area에 대한 집주인 권리 이런것도 있네 싄기 

(p. 25) , its surface strewn with a hundred different kinds of nail polish.

: 그것의 표면은 뒤덮여있음, 엄청나게 다양한 종류의 매니큐어로

  • strew: - strewed - (strewed or strewn)

(p. 25) my careful deliberation,

: 심사숙고



Page 26

(p. 26) When I was eight or so


(p. 26) to help stimulate my brain activity so I’d perform better at school.

: 침의 효과가 -> stimulate 구먼! 


(p. 26) Like my grandfather before her, she worked as a voice actress.

: 오!! 그녀가 태어나기 전에!  할아버지가 그랬던 것 처럼, 그녀는 성우로 일했음



(p. 26) her voice was elastic and could swing seamlessly from the cackle of an evil queen to the catchphrase of the resolute heroine, then quiver words of caution from a useless sidekick and resolve with a dashing prince’s gallant coo.

: 그녀 목소리가 걸리는 거 없이 시소처럼 넘나들었다는 건데, 그래서 그 스펙트럼을 설명하고 있는 거임. (아 이 부분 수능 영어영역이었음)

  • resolve with: 이게 재밌었는데!!! 원래 해석을 보면 해결하다? 정도로 나오는데... 어떤 reddit에서 보니까 음악에서 화음이 풀어지는 거 표현할 때 자주쓴다고 함. 그래서 여기서는 그런것처럼 뭔가 융해, 나른하게 풀리는 걸 표현한게 아닐지 추측! 
  • so, (파란색: 이 부분이 끝에서 끝이 뭔지 표현해주고 있음/ 주황색-보라색이 끝에서 끝 )
    • (1) 못된 여왕의 케케케에서 (2) resolute한 여주인공의 캐치프레이즈로 (3) 그 담에 쓸모없는 조수의 덜덜거리는 말 갔다가 (4) 마지막엔 늠름한 왕의 속삭임으로 마무리
  • heroine - hero 여자-남자
  • quiver




(p. 26) Emo Boo wore his hair in a wide, black pompadour with a white streak, like Pepé Le Pew.


pepe re pew

(p. 26) a Chinese medicine doctor

: 한의사를 표현하고 싶었나본디 korean medicine doctor라고도 씀! 


Page 27

(p. 27) would assume the role of translator when my mother became fed up with it and wanted to relax into her native tongue.

: 엄마가 계속 나랑 가족들 통역해주기 귀찮으니까, 이모한테 그 역할을 넘겼다

  • be assume the role of: 오 꽤나 자주 쓰는 표현인가보구만. assume은 "가정하다"라고만 외웠는데 
    •  구글 : take or begin to have (power or responsibility). 이뜻도 있었음!
    • "I assumed the role of" is correct and usable in written English.
    • You can use it when referring to taking on new responsibilities, duties, or tasks.
    • For example: "I assumed the role of project manager for the upcoming event.". https://ludwig.guru/s/I+assumed+the+role+of

(p. 27) chaperone

: 보호자

(p. 27) was in vogue that

: 그때 유행~


(p. 27) perverted rabbit who wore a plunger on his head.





(p. 27) we tossed and turned, tortured by jet lag.

: 뒤척뒤척




(p. 27) We’d giggle and shush

: 킥킥 웃었다, 조용히 

(p. 27) prodding the meat

: 손가락으로 쿡 찌르다 


(p. 27) its crevices

: 아 헐 크레바스!!구나!!! 에베레스트 등산할 때 제일 위험하다는!! 틈새! 


(p. 28) It never occurred to me that she was trying to make up for all the years she’d spent away in America. It was difficult to even register that this woman was my mother’s mother, let alone that their relationship would be a model for the bond between my mother and me for the rest of my life.

: 어머니가 미국에서 보낸 모든 세월을 보상하려고 노력하고 있다는 생각은 전혀 하지 못했습니다. 이 여성이 제 어머니의 어머니라는 사실조차 인지하기 어려웠고, 두 사람의 관계가 남은 평생 어머니와 저 사이의 유대감의 모델이 될 것이라고는 생각하지 못했습니다.

  • It never occurred to me: to express that an idea, thought, or situation has never occurred to you. For example, "It has never occurred to me that I could use this website to find a job.".
  • regitster: 등록만 있는게 아니네.. 깨닫다, 인식하다 recognize, think 


(p. 27) I was scolded if I got caught poking around the pantry past eight, but in Seoul, my mom was like a kid again, leading the campaign.


(p. 27) shoveled into our mouths, spoonfuls of warm,

: 앞에서 조리퐁 먹을 때도 나왔던 표현들. 뒤에도 종종 나옴! 


Page 28


(p. 28) I constantly hid behind my mother or Seong Young, or scooted by her furtively with my butt pressed against the wall, anxiously expecting my halmoni to prod her index fingers through my pants, cackling and then hacking at my surprise and terror.

: 할머니들 제발 하지마~~ 우리 사촌 동생 보는거 같음.. ㅋㅋ


(p. 28) It involves clasping your hands in the shape of a gun, index fingers pressed together to create a needle used to penetrate an unsuspecting anus.

: 똥침 어떻게 하는 지 설명 중 ^^ 

  • unsuspecting: 의심하지 X, 여기선 방심하고 있는 이라고 하면 될듯, 예상치못한?!  ((of a person or animal) not aware of the presence of danger; feeling no suspicion.) 
  • clasping your hands: 깍지껴보세용~~ 


  • involve 를 참 많이 쓰는 거 같은데, 나는 어떻게 쓰이는 지 의미를 잘 파악 못한듯.
  • 너무 길어서 따로 페이지 만들었음!
  • https://yellowdog-life.tistory.com/22

[이 단어 나만 몰랐어?] involve 뜻 제대로 알기!

궁금하게 된 배경 영어 원서 읽다가 마주친 involve! 사실 종종 쓰는 걸 듣긴 했는데, 그러려니 하고 흘려보냈는데, 해석이 안되어서 이젠 안되겠다 싶어서 정리해보았다!! 2024.02.17 - [Book Club/Crying i



(p. 28) something akin to a Korean wedgie

: 똥침은 한국식 wedgie 장난이랑 비슷하다

  • akin to
    • 1. : related by blood : descended from a common ancestor
      The dog and fox are closely akin./ 보노보 is most closely akin to 사람
    • 2: : essentially similar, related, or compatible
      His interests are akin to mine./ I am searching for labs whose research interests are akin to mine.
  • a wedgie:
    • 얘네도 똥침같은 비슷한 장난이 있나보네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이미지 붙여놓기가 싫네... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
    • 그 똥꼬 끼게 빤스를 위로 쭉 잡아 땡기는거 인가봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

chapter 3 다음 부분

2024.03.01 - [Book Club/Crying in HMart] - [Crying in H Mart] # Ch 3-2: Double Lid (p. 29~)


[Crying in H Mart] # Ch 3-2: Double Lid (p. 29~)

[Review previous expression] 3단원 앞 쪽 2024.02.17 - [Book Club/Crying in HMart] - [Crying in H Mart] # Ch 3-1: Double Lid (~p. 29) [Expression I want to use oneday! ] (p. 29) set of ribbon cards is worth one point, (p. 30) when my mother was young th
