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Book Club/Pachinko

[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 10

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 8. 27.



[Review previous expression]


[Summarize this chapter]

Pastor Shin에게 가서 죄를 고하고, 결혼 승낙(?) 축복(?) 을 받음. 순자는 다른 생각말고 이삭을 잘 돌보겠다고 함.

양진은 멀리 일본을 가는 두 남녀를 위해 흰쌀을 사러 감. 흰쌀은 다 일본 애들이 사가서 한국사람은 사기 힘들었는데, 

우리나라를 떠나는 딸에게 좋은 음식을 먹이고 싶은 어무이의 맘으로 호소를 함 ㅠ_ㅠ 흑흑흑흑

[Quotes that I liked ]

(p. 80) in the center of the poorly heated room.
: poorly 표현이 좋아서! 


(p. 80) After he finished, the elder pastor took his time to assess the young woman whom Isak planned to marry.


(p. 81) She was, in fact, unremarkable in her manner. Pastor Shin didn’t believe in reading faces to determine a person’s fate as his own father had, but if he were to filter her destiny through his father’s eyes, it didn’t look as if her life would be easy, but neither was it cursed.


(p. 81) Pastor Shin and Pastor Isak weren’t likely to fall into spells like male shamans or chant like monks.


(p. 82) I’m very sorry for what I have done to my mother and for the burden I made for the good pastor.”


(p. 82) Sunja tried to mop up the tears on her flushed cheeks using her jacket sleeve.


(p. 83) it’s not up to me to forgive you,”


(p. 83) Repent, child, and sin no more.”

[New Expression]


(p. 80) Pastor Shin was expecting them after breakfast.
: 목사님은 아침 식사 이후 그들이 오늘 걸 기다리고 있었다. 

⇢🍎 He is expecting you guys after wake-up. Please come as early as you can.


(p. 81) Nothing in her prosaic appearance conjured up the harlot the prophet Hosea had been forced to marry.
: == come up with / come to my mind/ 

⇢🍎 For some people, the word "England" may conjure up images of rainy gray cities.


(p. 81) how they exercised their powers.
: 권력을 행사한다고 할 때 exercise를 쓰는 거였다니!!! 


(p. 81) I wouldn’t want you to leave my office without my having heard your voice.
: 문법 뭐야~ 



"my having heard your voice"라는 표현은 영어에서 비교적 격식을 차린 문어체에서 사용되는 구조입니다. 여기서 문법적으로 중요한 요소는 **소유격(my)**와 **동명사(having)**의 결합입니다. 이 결합은 특정 주체(여기서는 "my", 즉 화자)가 어떤 동작(here, "having heard", 즉 "들었다는 것")을 했다는 것을 나타내는 방법입니다.


  • I appreciate your having helped me.
    • "네가 나를 도와줬다는 것을 고맙게 생각해."
    • 여기서 "your having helped"는 "네가 도왔다는 것"이라는 의미로, 과거에 이루어진 도움을 가리킵니다.
  • Her having left early caused some confusion.
    • "그녀가 일찍 떠난 것이 약간의 혼란을 일으켰다."
    • 여기서 "her having left"는 "그녀가 떠났다는 것"을 나타내며, 이 동작이 혼란을 일으킨 원인으로 제시됩니다.
  • We were surprised at their having completed the project so quickly.
    • "우리는 그들이 그 프로젝트를 그렇게 빨리 완료했다는 것에 놀랐다."
    • 여기서 "their having completed"는 "그들이 완료했다는 것"을 의미하며, 그들의 빠른 작업 속도에 놀란 이유를 나타냅니다.


(p. 81) Isak smiled at the women, not knowing what to make of the elder pastor’s stern tone of voice.
: (자연스레 번역하자면) 목사의 근엄한 목소리 톤을 어떻게 받아들여야할 지 몰라서, ~ 

what do you think? == what do you think of it? == what do you make of it? 해석이 필요할 때, 애매할 때 하는 질문

(p. 81) He wanted to assure them that the pastor was well-meaning.

(p. 81) She opened it again, her voice tremulous.

(p. 81) Isak frowned; he could see why she’d say this, but all the same, Sunja’s sentiment saddened him.
: 어쨌든!  (== 변하는 건 없다)

⇢🍎 It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same.


(p. 82) it cannot be easy for him to undertake this marriage, given your situation.”

(p. 82) Isak lifted his right hand slightly in a weak protest, but he kept quiet in deference to his elder.
: out of respect for, in consideration of

⇢🍎 In deference to her wishes, we spent two weeks on the coast. 

(p. 82) “You’ve brought this condition upon yourself; is this not true?”
: 스불제! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너가 이 상황을 자초한거야~! 

(p. 82) she broke into sobs herself.
: 눈물이 "터졌다" 

(p. 82) Isak blurted out.
: 불쑥 끼어들었다.

(p. 82) Isak had not wanted Sunja to turn to God in this way.
: God 에게 의지하다 

(p. 82) Love for God, he’d thought, should come naturally and not out of fear of punishment.

(p. 82) Pastor Shin looked hard at Sunja.
: 뚫어지게 쳐다보다.

(p. 82) In the young man’s exuberance to be a kind of martyr or prophet,
: vitality, 열정

(p. 82) How could he marry a sinful woman who would not turn from sin?
: 죄를 회개하지 않은

(p. 82) “To have been with a man without marrying is a sin in the eyes of God.
: 표현이 좋아서! e.g.) 아이들의 눈으로 보면 세상이 참 맑다~ in the eyes of children 


(p. 82) the deaf servant girl could make out some of what was being said by reading their lips. She withdrew a clean cloth from her overcoat pocket and gave it to Sunja.

(p. 83) he felt compelled to protect the earnest young minister.
: felt a sense of obligation, being forced to do something

(p. 83) Would there be a ritual like when you gave the shaman a sow and money to make the crops grow?
: 암퇘지


(p. 83) Sunja nodded in agreement, her sobs subsiding.
: subside== sink 

보조금: subsidy


(p. 83) Yangjin gulped,

(p. 83) Isak pleaded.

(p. 84) The congregation isn’t large.

(p. 84) who’d borne eight children,

(p. 84) When she died, the parishioners had wailed as if they’d lost their own mother.

(p. 84) You cannot give them any room to think worse of us.

(p. 85) It was preposterous

(p. 85) perfunctory wedding

(p. 85) The store was empty of customers.

(p. 85) purring happily.

(p. 85) was Sunja who had embroidered the yellow butterflies

(p. 85) Cho grimaced.

(p. 85) He didn’t want to sell her the rice, because he had no choice but to charge her the same price he would charge a Japanese.

(p. 85) I get into very hot water.

(p. 85) “I didn’t know she was betrothed!

(p. 86) He’s going to drop dead any minute.”

(p. 86) so passionate about expelling from the nation.

(p. 87) the expense of upkeep of his daughter

(p. 87) treated no better than barn animals.

(p. 87) beside the abacus.

(p. 87) I want them to eat their fill.

(p. 87) Such days felt so distant.

(p. 87) “I suppose you’ll bring me a piece.”

(p. 87) She wiped her eyes as the rice seller went to the storeroom to find the bit he’d squirreled away for occasions such as these.

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