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Book Club/Pachinko

[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 11

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 9. 2.



[Review previous expression]

- My father paid a lot of money for the upkeep of me.

=> My father spent a lot of money on my upkeep.

[Summarize this chapter]

순자는 이제 오사카로 가야한다. 복희와 독희가 duck 모양의 carve를 선물로 줌. 

어머니에게 고한수에 대해서 털어놓음. 오사카에 있고, 결혼했고 애도 있다고. 하지만 절대 만나지 않고, 이삭에게 집중하겠다고 약속함. 

이제 오사카로 가는 Ferry를 타러 검역절차 밟음. 흑흑 앗뇽...어무니.. ㅠㅠㅠ 

[Quotes that I liked ]


[New Expression]


(p. 88) At last, the lodgers had relented and allowed their work clothes to be washed.
:  마침내, 하숙인들은 마음을 누그러뜨리고 (그 전엔 계속 거부했던 것을 이제는 동의, 마지못해, 어쩔 수 없이, 궁극에는), 자기들 작업복 빨게 해줌.

- Her parents eventually relented and let her go to the party.
- The security guard relented and let them through.

- My father didn't allow me to go to the USA with my husband, but in the end, he relented and let us go there.


(p. 88) the women crouched by the stream and set up their washboards.
:  여자들은 냇가에 쪼그려 앉아서 빨래판을 세팅했다. 


- "by"는 어떤 장소 옆이나 가까이에 있는 것을 나타낼 때

  • By the window - 창문 옆에
  • By the door - 문 근처에
  • By the lake - 호수 옆에
  • By the road - 길가에






(p. 88) With all her might, Bokhee scrubbed the wet shirts on the ridged wooden board, while her younger sister Dokee sorted the remainder of the filthy clothes beside her. 
: 혼신의 힘을 다해서, 박박박~ 빨래 문질러~~~ 


- might (noun): power, strength, or force:

  • Pizarro defeated the might of the Inca Empire with only a few hundred men.
  • She struggled with all her might to get free.

아이들 Lion 가사/ kep이 아니고 kept 인듯~



뮤직비디오 분석 : (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 LION

✔️ 내가 이해하려고 정리해두는 해석 내가 쓴 건 회색으로 구분 LION 퀸덤 <FINAL> 컴백 ...



(p. 88) "Has he called you yobo?" Bokhee looked up from her work for (to see) Sunja’s reaction.
: 복희는 그녀는 올려다봄/ 일에서 시선을 옮겨서/  선자 반응 보려고 


  • She glanced up from her book when he entered the room.
    (그가 방에 들어왔을 때 그녀는 책에서 시선을 들어 그를 보았다.)
  • He turned away from the computer to answer the phone.
    (그는 컴퓨터에서 시선을 돌려 전화를 받았다.)
  • I took a break from my studies to grab a snack.
    (나는 공부를 하던 중 잠깐 쉬면서 간식을 먹었다.)

stop from~ 이런 애들이랑 다 비슷한 맥락이구먼?!!! 


<어감 차이 헷갈려서 chatgpt!>

"Has he ever called you yobo before?" (그가 이전에 한 번이라도 널 "yobo"라고 불렀었니?)

"Does he usually call you yobo?" (그가 주로 너를 "yobo"라고 부르니?)



(p. 88) She would’ve chided her sister’s impertinence, but she was curious herself.

(p. 88) “Who’d marry girls like us?”

(p. 88) Dokhee said without blinking.

(p. 89) Get these stupid ideas out of your head.”

(p. 89) Dokhee rolled her eyes.

(p. 89) She had never once heard her mother laugh.

(p. 89) how he might be nearby.

(p. 89) she was afraid of running into him.

(p. 89) Bokhee peered into Sunja’s face.

(p. 89) We can keep a boardinghouse there!”

(p. 89) Bokhee was amazed at such a prospect that she had just invented for them.

(p. 90) Sunja had difficulty wringing out the wet trousers because they were so heavy.

(p. 90) the landowners had been selling off their plots to the Japanese

(p. 90) he’s educated,”

(p. 90) not clear as to how people had money.

(p. 90) wanting to take Sunja’s mind off leaving.

(p. 90) The girl looked anxious and sad, nothing like a happy bride.

(p. 90) “When you’re gone, who’ll defend me when I get a scolding from your mother? You know my sister won’t do anything,”

(p. 90) Sunja laid aside the pants she

(p. 90) Dokhee held out a pair of ducks carved out of acacia wood

(p. 90) “The ajeossi at the market said ducks mate for life,”

(p. 91) Bokhee’s broad face broke into a sad smile.

(p. 91) Her tiny, gracious eyes, which resembled tadpoles, pulled downward to meet her knobby cheekbones.

(p. 91) slightly plump.

(p. 91) Sunja wept and Dokhee folded her into her strong arms.

(p. 91) patting Sunja on the back.

(p. 91) Every article of clothing was folded with care,

(p. 91) repeat the process.

(p. 91) he assured her.

(p. 91) Bokhee and Dokhee remained at the house on the morning Yangjin, Sunja, and Isak went to the Busan ferry terminal.

(p. 91) Dokhee cried inconsolably,

(p. 91) Passengers, family members who’d come to see them off, and hawkers milled around noisily in the crowded terminal.

(p. 91) ready to spring up in case he needed anything.

(p. 91) The algae scent of the sea mingled with the fuel smells of the ferry;

(p. 92) Sunja had been queasy since morning, and she looked sallow and exhausted.

(p. 92) Yangjin held the smallest bundle close to her chest.

(p. 92) What was better for Sunja and the child no longer seemed to matter.

(p. 92) she reasoned.

(p. 92) to care for

(p. 92) Besides,

(p. 92) Sunja doubled over slightly, emitting a little cry of pain.

(p. 92) “Are you planning on seeing him?”

(p. 92) He abandoned you.

(p. 92) Yangjin took a breath.

(p. 93) he told them off.

(p. 93) there had been no one to talk about him with.

(p. 93) Yangjin fumbled with the purse tucked beneath her blouse.

(p. 93) A woman should always have something put by.

(p. 93) Treat your husband’s family with reverence.

(p. 94) Sunja slipped the rings into the fabric bag beneath her blouse where she kept her watch and money.

(p. 94) The officers could not trouble him.

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