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Book Club/Pachinko

[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 15

by 지나가는 행인의 왈왈 2024. 10. 25.



[Review previous expression]

I believe that my career in the prime of my life has not yet come.

=>[chatgpt] I believe that the prime of my career is yet to come.

[Summarize this chapter]

정육점 아저씨 경희에게 세일해줌. 경희 예뻐서. ㅋㅋ , 선자랑 경희 너무 잘지내서 보기 좋음.

경희는 김치 아줌마되고 싶어함. 하지만 양반 출신인 요셉은 양반 여자인 경희가 일한다는 것은 죄악시 함. 남자가 무능해서라고 생각하며. 

창씨개명 어원들을 한국인인 사람도 처음알게 된 역사 공부 굿. 일본어 잘하는 내 친구가 있어서 더 쏙쏙 알게 되었음 ㅋㅋㅋ 

[Quotes that I liked ]

(p. 122) The summer had come fast.
: 표현을 알아둘라고 저~장! / 여름이 빠르게 다가오고 있다

  • The winter had come fast.
  • The day I should leave has come fast.

(p. 122) back home
: (pachinko에서 진짜 많이 쓰이는 표현!) in one's hometown : in the place one is from = (그리운) 고향 

해석으로 따지면 hometown 이랑 같을 듯


(p. 128) appearing sad.
: 슬퍼보여


(p. 122) an unexpected gift for two women who’d neither expected nor asked for much happiness.
: neither - nor


[New Expression]

(p. 122) cleaning for four were considerably less onerous than caring for a boardinghouse.
:  네 명 몫의 cleaning하는 거는 꽤나 덜 품이 든다/ 하숙집 관리하는 것보단

  • onerous: difficult to do or needing a lot of effort
    • 들인 노력에 비해 돌아오는 거 없이 수고로운 (부담스러운)


  • onerous와 비슷한 단어들은? 
    • exacting: 요구가 심한



(p. 122) In the minds of Yoseb and Kyunghee, the cause of Sunja’s pregnancy had long been settled with a rationalization of their making: The girl had been harmed through no fault of her own,

(p. 122) No one asked her the particulars, and Sunja did not speak of the matter.
: 아무도 묻지않았다/ 그녀에게 / 자세한걸 / 그리고 그녀도 말하지않았다 / 그 일에 대해 

  • particulars: details or information about a person or an event, especially when officially recorded:
    • There's a form for you to note down all your particulars.
  • Speak of:
    • speak 자체는 말하다
    • speaking of that, ~~ : 그 말이 나와서 그러는데!, 그거에 대해서 말하자면~
      • She speaks highly of you. 그녀가 당신을 크게 칭찬해요. 
      • <-> speak ill of ~ : 욕하다
    • Speak about: 자세히 말하다
    • speak for: 대변하다 - Politicians don't speak for us. 


(p. 123) Kyunghee and Yoseb hadn’t been able to have children, but Kyunghee was undeterred.
: 경희랑 요셉은 아이를 계속 가질 수 없었는데, 경희는 좌절하지 않았다

  • undeterred:  (adj) not discouraged or prevented from acting 
    • still continuing to do something or enthusiastic about doing it despite a bad situation
    • a politician undeterred by criticism : 비난에도 굴하지 않는 정치인
  • 오? 신기한것은 undeter은 뜻이 안나오네..? 그냥 저거로만 쓰는건가..??? => 그것은 deter에서 파생된 것이어뜸 
    • deter: (v) to make them not want to do it or continue doing it. (좌절시키다)
      • Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.

(p. 123) A devout woman, she spent her time helping the poor mothers at the church.

(p. 123) She was also a thrifty housewife, able to save every extra sen that her husband entrusted to her.

(p. 123) both families having lost all of their arable land.

(p. 123) thinking about what to fix for their meals.

(p. 123) the tall young proprietor, snapped to attention and shouted “Irasshai!” to welcome them.

(p. 123) cumulative payments were more valuable than the infrequent, outsize purchases.

(p. 124) the Korean women couldn’t fuss like the local women, which made them preferable customers.

(p. 124) the chief reason given as to why the matchmaker had such difficulty arranging an omiai for him—

(p. 124) Tanaka couldn’t help but feel a kind of kinship with foreigners.

(p. 124) The men ogled Kyunghee, altogether ignoring Sunja, who had by now grown used to this invisibility whenever the two went anywhere.

(p. 124) easily passing for a schoolteacher or a merchant’s modest wife with her fine features,

(p. 124) Sunja felt aware of her unacceptable plainness and inappropriate attire.

(p. 124) She felt homely in Osaka.

(p. 124) an inevitable badge of difference,

(p. 124) she had never been looked upon with scorn with such regularity, when she had never meant to call attention to herself.

(p. 124) farther out

(p. 124) the chill against identifiable Koreans was obvious.

(p. 124) the baby was delivered.

(p. 124) Sunja retreated into the corner of the shop.

(p. 125) “May I please have shinbones and a bit of meat? I’m making soup,”

(p. 125) Two yen and sixty sen had to last her for eight more days until Yoseb gave her his pay envelope.

(p. 125) “Please pardon my error.

(p. 125) Meat another time,

(p. 125) the Koreans didn’t ask him for credit, not that he would have agreed to it.

(p. 125) with her pin money.

(p. 126) She looked at him quizzically, wondering if he knew what that was.

(p. 126) Tanaka folded his arms leisurely

(p. 126) throw that first batch of water out

(p. 126) her hand raised reflexively to cover her teeth.

(p. 126) Both men laughed with pleasure,

(p. 127) Sharing will bring me luck,”

(p. 127) feeling puffed up like any man who could give something worthwhile to an attractive woman whenever he pleased.

(p. 127) on the spotless money dish resting on the counter,

(p. 127) I didn’t know how to make him take it back.”

(p. 127) Kyunghee swatted playfully at Sunja,

(p. 127) Kyunghee made a face.

(p. 127) her husband was routinely sent to jail for his bootlegging.

(p. 128) “We’re not contributing to the house.

(p. 128) we scrimped, but I didn’t realize how easy we had it—

(p. 128) the kinds of delicious things you make on a budget.

(p. 128) Isak and I think you should take the money he makes to help with the food budget at least.”

(p. 128) The fact that Sister and Brother wouldn’t allow Isak and her to pay for a single thing was difficult to accept, and it wasn’t as if they could afford to rent a place separately.

(p. 128) “I’m sure you ate much better and more filling things back home,”

(p. 128) Won’t that be something?

(p. 128) not dodge books like his uncle!”

(p. 128) We can manage just fine.

(p. 128) if I can’t talk about my wish to earn money without you jumping in about wanting to contribute, then I can’t talk about my pipe dreams of becoming the kimchi ajumma of Tsuruhashi Station.”

(p. 129) Kyunghee lifted her chin, then broke down laughing. She had a joyous laugh.

(p. 129) He said he’d never have his wife work.

(p. 129) “Yoseb is old-fashioned.”

(p. 129) I wouldn’t feel so restless. I just don’t want to be so idle.

(p. 129) barren women

(p. 129) Sunja could neither agree nor disagree, so she let the statement hang in the air.

(p. 130) Regardless, it wasn’t her place to say.

(p. 130) For Kyunghee’s sake, Sunja brightened up and linked arms with her sister-in-law, who seemed to drag a little.





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