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[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 4: June 1932 [Review previous expression] [Summarize this chapter]순자랑 고한수의 첫만남. 둘다 서로 찌릿찌릿함을 느낌. 순자가 일본놈들한테 괴롭힘 당하고 있는데, 한수가 구해줌[Quotes that I liked ] [New Expression](p. 25) Hoonie never said much, but it was obvious to his daughter, even then, that many sought his quiet approval—the thoughtful gaze from his honest eyes.:(p. 25) Sunja was put in charge of shopping:(p. 25) their wares arrayed attractively on.. 2024. 8. 9.
[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 3 [Review previous expression]  [Summarize this chapter]시대가 어려워서, 다들 석탄값을 제때 지불하지 않는데, Yangjin만 제대로 내는 사람임. Isak은 개신교 목사였음. 그런데 갑자기 결핵 증상이 나타남.  [Quotes that I liked ] [New Expression](p. 17) The news of your great cooking has reached the rich.:(p. 17) I hope you charged him triple what we poor fellows pay.”:(p. 17) noose.:(p. 17) whiskers.:(p. 17) Isak did not stir.:(p. 17) sternly.:(p. 17) he ha.. 2024. 8. 9.
[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 2: November 1932 [Review previous expression][Summarize this chapter]The winter following Japan's Manchuria invasion was more difficult than usual for Yangjin and Sunja. YJ tried her best to keep food until the end of this winter, showering ingredients with spices. One day Baek Isak came to the boardinghouse to ask for a room to stay. His older brother used to live here when Hoonie was alive, so he recommended h.. 2024. 8. 6.
[Pachinko #1] # Chapter 1: Yeongdo, Busan, Korea [Review previous expression]Hidden figures는 도~저히.... 문맥도 이상하고.... 영어문장도 낯설어서 해석도 잘 안되어서... 포기! ㅎ_ㅎ 언젠가 다시 볼 날 있겠지 헤헤헤[Summarize this chapter]일제강점기 시대, 부산, 영도. 넉넉한 두 부부에게는 신체 장애가 있는 아들 Hoonie가 있었음. 하숙집을 하면서 아들이 혼자서도 잘 살 수 있게 이것 저것 가르침. 그리고 중매를 통해서 양진이라는 여자를 만나게 되었음. Yangjin은 집이 넉넉하지 않아서, 지참금을 받기 위해 팔려가듯 결혼을 하게 되었음. 걱정과는 달리 Yangjin은 Hoonie의 외관에 놀라지 않았고, 둘은 결혼해서 힘들게 Soonja 라는 딸을 갖게 되었음.  하지만 SJ가 13.. 2024. 8. 6.